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Foto RAR 2022 Málaga Conference

RAR 2022 Málaga Conference

Tipo: Congreso Localidad donde se realiza: MÁLAGA Fecha: Del 26/06/2022 al 29/06/2022 rar2022@consulpav.com
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Sector: 17. Química, tintes, pinturas, plásticos, caucho Perfil del visitante: Profesional Periodicidad: Puntual Ámbito: Internacional


RAR2022 will focus on any and all rubberized asphalt materials containing scrap tire rubber, from a low percentage such as 5 percent to higher percentages above even 24 percent. Since there have been so many recent significant changes in the testing, specifying and application of rubberized asphalt paving materials the focus of this Conference is literally on all types of asphalt binders or asphalt mixes containing any percentage of scrap tire rubber, as well as both wet and dry applications. Besides, both generic and proprietary rubberized asphalt products can be reported. Case studies, environmental effects and benefits, cost-effectiveness of many paving construction materials and techniques will be presented.


FYCMA - Palacio de Ferias y Congresos de Málaga

Avda. José Ortega y Gasset, 201 - 29006 MÁLAGA
952 045 500 info@fycma.com
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