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Foto KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon

Tipo: Congreso Localidad donde se realiza: VALENCIA Fecha: Del 16/05/2022 al 20/05/2022 events@cncf.io
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Sector: 21. Informática, telecomunicaciones, audiovisual, multimedia, sonido Perfil del visitante: Público y profesional Periodicidad: Puntual Ámbito: Internacional


Organiza: The Linux Foundation

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship conference gathers leading technologists from leading open source and cloud native communities to further the education and advancement of cloud native computing.

Kubernetes and other cloud native technologies enable higher velocity software development at a lower cost than traditional infrastructure. Cloud native – orchestrating containers as part of a microservices architecture – is a departure from traditional application design. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is helping to build a map through this new terrain, and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon is where the community comes together to share their expertise on this formerly uncharted but increasingly popular territory.

  • Application Developers
  • IT Operations
  • Technical Management
  • Executive Leadership
  • Product Managers and Product Marketing
  • End-users
  • Service Providers
  • CNCF Contributors
  • Those looking to learn more about Cloud Native


Feria Valencia

Avenida de las Ferias, s/n. - 46035 VALENCIA
902 747 330 feriavalencia@feriavalencia.com
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